Saturday, December 31, 2011

Guitar Amp Setup for Marshall Tube Amp

Click here tolearn 60 chords in less than five minutes! Free video presentation will show you the secret of taking 5 simple chords and easily changing them into 60. A must-see video for guitarists of all levels. Each guitar amp can be set up to your specific preference. Play around with your amp settings to find the sound you want. These are just my ideas on how to set up a Marshall tube amp. If you serious about improving your guitar skills, check out all out guitar-learning courses here

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Fender Guitar Amp

Yeah I forgot my Marshall amp at home so we have two of these Fender models I know knowthing about this amp call me ignorant but I know little on amps and less bout Fender does anyone have this Amp? I can get distortion but its not heavy distortion my Marshall puts out more maybe I dont know how to work this amp but if anyone know it would be a help.Another thing is I cant get a good sound from my pedal with this amp I have the sound on clean thats bout all this amp seems to do and it sounds shity plus I can barely put the sound up on this amp its that loud any ideas? Like my SG Standard?

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

David Bray arena a Bray 45/50 plexi amplifier w/ tube rectifier, college accretion settings

Les Paul w/ PRS 8's on both neck and bridge, straight into Bray 45/50 amp head (no pedals). Small amount of verb added to right side only. Mic'd w/ SM-57 right by the speaker, a mid-seventies Celestion Greenback. Output level control on rear of amp set to 4. The circuit is what would be considered a Mod I. The "BRAY" logo is hard to see, because of the lighting, but am working to improve that on later vids.

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Top 20 Guitarists Of All Time - Guitar Players

!9#: Top 20 Guitarists Of All Time - Guitar Players

It was a dark and rainy night. The courthouse clock struck midnight; a stray dog howled. It was all too beautiful when the staff of Gear Vault convened for their semi-annual secret meeting with the confines of the beloved cinder block chamber they call their "office." Their agenda? To decide the 20 most important people in guitar.

1. Jimi Hendrix

Widely recognized as one of the most creative and influential musicians of the 20th century, Jimi Hendrix pioneered the explosive possibilities of the electric guitar. Hendrix's innovative style of combining fuzz, feedback and controlled distortion created a new musical form. Because he was unable to read or write music, it is nothing short of remarkable that Jimi Hendrix's meteoric rise in the music took place in just four short years. His musical language continues to influence a host of modern musicians, from George Clinton to Miles Davis, and Steve Vai to Jonny Lang. Hendrix was the revolutionary guitar god, enuff said!

2. Edward Van Halen

Edward Van Halen once likened his guitar playing to "falling down the stairs and landing on my feet." Eddie's had thirteen albums' worth of such happy accidents and in the process has changed the way people play, hear and think about the electric guitar. With his unorthodox technique, dare-devil whammy bar antics and fearless experimentation, Van Halen revitalized heavy guitar after it had run its course in the Seventies. Espousing an I-just-play-that's-all-I-do attitude and favoring basic gear like stock Marshalls. Peavey 5150s, homemade, slapped together guitars and simple, minimal stop box effects, Van Halen became guitar's greatest hero by becoming its unassuming anti-hero.

From the jaw-dropping gymnastics of Van Halen's "Eruption" to the eerie, tidal crescendos of "Catherdral" on Diver Down, through his 1984 chart-topping synth experiments and spirit of 5150 and For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge, Eddie has remained innovative throughout his career. Never one to wait around for the electrician, Van Halen prefers building his own gear-and if it doesn't always look pretty, well, beauty is in the ear of beholder. By "Frankensteining" his first striped guitar from 0 worth of parts, Van Halen launched his quest for the elusive "brown sound-"big, warm and majestic"-and gave rock guitarists a new holy grail of tone to seek in the post-Jim-my page era. His single-pick up and volume control innovation changed the way guitars looked and sounded, popularized the previously obscure Kramer Guitars, and inspired the do-it-yourself guitar gear industry. Eddie's custom-designed Peavey amps and his with Sterling Ball on his Music Man guitars prove that Van Halen still believes the artist should retain creative input on his equipment.

As a player, Van Halen single-handedly-well, dual-handedly-introduced millions of rock players such exciting techniques as two-handed tapping and harmonics. Before 1978, guitar just had to be loud and fast. Eddie's playing is also tasteful and always in context, a fact that distinguishes him from his legions of imitators. While he's unimpressed by the copycat syndrome, it cannot be denied that many players first picked up a guitar after Van Halen's dazzling licks. But none of them can fall down the stairs with such brilliance.

3. Eric Clapton

Eric Clapton has successfully reinvented himself dozens of times: Rave-Up King with the Yardbirds; Holy Father of the Anglo-blues with the Bluesbreakers; free-form improvisational genius with Cream; chameleon rises to every musical occasion.

By 1965 the 20-year-old Clapton was already a legend. He'd introduced the blues to the masses, interpreting and updating what had been a largely unknown form for the rock generation. Simultaneously, his lush, Les Paul-driven tone marked the absolute turning point in the history of rock, transforming what had been a good-time twang instrument into a vehicle for profound expression.

Ultimately, the most enduring image of the great guitarist will be of Clapton the bluesman, standing on a corner of a stage and exposing his psychic wounds to the masses. It is interesting, though, that, while "bluesy" in feel, his most memorable songs-"Layla," "Tears In Heaven"-do not utilize the blues structure.

While most of Clapton's contemporaries talk reunion and revival, he never retreats behind memories of his "good old days." His Unplugged album, which was enormously successful-both for him and acoustic guitar manufactures-included a radical remake of "Layla." Clapton is one artist who has learned how to grow up.

4. Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney has spent very little of his career playing six-string guitar. But as a bassist, he almost single-handedly made guitar players' jobs a whole lot easier.

When the Beatles first arrived on the scene, rarely was the bass even heard on most pop records; players seldom attempted anything more adventurous than a root-fifth accompaniment. But McCartney, who not only played bass, but sang, enlivened the Beatles' material with dynamic, moving basslines on his famous Hofner and, later, a Rickenbacker 4001. By the time the Beatles began work on Sergeant Pepper's, McCartney as pumping out bass melodies that carried entire songs, with the result that the Beatles' guitar parts often became sparser, more subtle. Within months-and to this day-bass players the world over were unshackled.

5. Pete Townshend

Before Pete Townshend came along, feedback was something guitarists shunned like halitosis. Pete turned it into one of rock guitar's most powerful sonic resources.

Soon after The Who debuted in 1964, Townshend became legendary for violently slamming his guitar into his Marshall stack (a form of amplification he was the first to use) and smashing his instrument to splinters at the end of each show. All of this had a profound influence on Jimi Hendrix (aka The Guitar God #1) and just about every other rocker who ever picked up a guitar. Pete's trademark "windmill" strum was actually swiped from Keith Richards. But Townshend made it even bigger and more dramatic-which is what he and The Who did with just about everything they touched. Having mastered the art of the three-minute pop song, Townshend turned his attention to 15-minute mini-operas and, with Tommy in 1969, the worlds first double album rock opera. Townshend's songwriting genius and theatrical flair tend to obscure the fact that he is also a fine guitarist, as capable of supple lyricism as he is of angry mayhem.

6. George Harrison

When George Harrison strummed his first chord during the Beatles' historic appearance on the Ed Sullivan show 44 years ago, he became the catalyst for the electric guitar's metamorphosis from stringed instruments to tool of teenage liberation. And, as the folks at Gretsch and Rickenbacker will readily attest, it didn't exactly hurt sales, either.

While Harrison has never been a virtuoso guitarist, he was an innovator-constantly pushing the limits of studio sounds and stylistic boundaries. In many ways, he also was the first modern session musician, his chops as diverse and far-reaching as Lennon and McCartney's songwriting. He could dish up brilliant Scotty Moore-style rockabilly ("All My Loving"), heart-rendering gut-string lines ("And I lover") and sheer fuzz and fury ("Revolution")-always adding something memorable to the material. Later in his career, he developed an original slide style that is more melodic than bluesy. Like the Beatles as a whole, Harrison never settled into a comfortable groove. He glided across the musical spectrum-from country and western to spaced-out psychedelia to smooth and sweet slide-shattering conventions and then moving on.

7. Angus Young

Two decades after Angus Young first emerged AC/DC's axe-wielding dervish at age 14, the we Scottish Aussie remains one of the sturdiest bridges between young metal-ists and rock's blues roots. Although he did great work before and since, Young will always be best known for 1980's Back In Black, a blue-collar masterpiece which, with killer classics like "You Shook Me All Night Long," remains an all-purpose primer for riff writing and tight, scalar lead playing. Never mind the fact that the man does it all while spinning around like chinchilla on speed. Though he may be dwarfed by his signature oxblood SG, Angus Young is a giant among men.

8. Jimmy Page

Arguably the most emulated guitarist in rock history, Jimmy Page is additionally assured a place in the music's pantheon of greats for his roles as a musical director, produce and all-around guru of Led Zeppelin.

His Rampaging, blues-based work on anthems like "Whole Lotta Love," "Communication Breakdown" and "Rock And Roll" defines heavy metal. His real genius, however, was his ability to expand the parameters of the genre to include elements of traditional English folk, reggae, funk, rockabilly and Arabic classical music.

Page the guitarist has never been a facile as Edward Van Halen or Steve Via, but few players in rock history have been able to match his restless imagination or visionary approach to guitar orchestration. Whether he was exploring the exotic joys of open tuning on tracks like "Kashmir" and "Black Mountain Side," pioneering the use if backwards echo on "You Shook Me," or coaxing other worldly sounds from his '58 Les Paul with a cello bow on "Dazed And Confused," Page consistently transcended the limitations of his instrument and the recording studio.

More than 30 years have passed since Page recorded the seminal Led Zepplin IV, but the album's gigantic imprint can still be detected in the work of such cutting edge bands as Jane's Addiction, Stone Temple Pilots and Soundgarden, to name a few. Page, of course, remains active. His dense, mutli-layered work on the Coverdale/Page record demonstrated his refusal to rest his laurels.

9. Kurt Cobain

Kurt Cobain was the intense and unkempt grunge lord who brought Nirvana from obscurity to the top of the charts, was all the rage-literally. The king of the guitar anti-hero, he didn't play his Fender Jaguars but he mauled them in a chord-crunching fury. Inevitably, he smashed his guitars, littered stages around the world with his splintered victims.

Cobain was a guitar pioneer because he managed to fuse into one dynamic style the aggression of Seventies punk rock, the speed and simplicity of Eighties hardcore and the bottom-heavy crunch of Nineties metal-and done so without a trace of silliness or bombast to which all three genres are prone.

There's little doubt that scores of new players have been inspired to plug in by the chugging chords of Cobain's "Smells Like Teen Spirit." Segovia he wasn't. But Segovia never captured the angst of an entire generation with one burst of ungodly feedback.

10. David Gilmour

What makes David Gilmour truly remarkable is his uncanny ability to marry two seemingly contradictory genres-progressive rock and blues. Perhaps the most dramatic example of this unusual union can be heard on one of Pink Floyd's biggest hits, "Money" (Dark Side Of The Moon). As the song begins, Gilmour slowly builds a delicate network of spacious, effected guitars, only to topple them with a series of emotionally charged, vibrato-drenched solos, whose rich, shimmering tone and impeccable phrasing recall B.B. King, rather than King Crimson.

Gilmour is the rarest of rockers. Like Jimi Hendrix, he ahs the natural ability to balance the cerebral with the emotional, the technical with instinctual, while keeping an eye on both the past and the future. It is this awesome juggling act that is the secret to Pink Floyd's lasting appeal.

11. Keith Richards

Keith Richards is the archetypal rock outlaw, the quintessential skinny English rock guitarist in a tight black suit. He's filled that role since the Rolling Stones first established themselves as the dark, dangerous alternative to the Beatles in 1963. With his deep love of the blues, Keef initiated a generation of white, middle-class kids into the wonders of Muddy Waters, howling' Wolf and Chuck Berry. His unique five-string, open-G tuning lies at the heart of such all-time power chord classics as "Jumpin' Jack Flash" and "Street Fighting Man." As a soloist, Keef has worked a few miracles; witness the icy, amphetamine mesmerism of his licks on "Sympathy For The Devil" and his buoyant bending on "Happy." And he is the author of the most-played riff in all rock: the tritone mating call of "Satisfaction." Much has been made of Richards' fondness of controlled substances, but his ultimate drug is music; his knowledge of rock, blues and reggae is encyclopedic, his passion for them boundless. They have sustained him through imprisonment, addiction, tempestuous lines of his leathery face, the history of rock and roll is etched.

12. Eric Johnson

In a realm often dominated by ham-fisted machoismo, Eric Johnson stands apart as rock guitar's elegant poet laureate. He has managed to create an original style from such radically dissimilar sources as country chicken picking, Jimi Hendrix and jazzman Wes Montgomery. A legend long before he became famous, Johnson's seemingly endless, melodious lines and distinctive "violin" tone made it an absolute requirement for guitarists stopping near the Texan's hometown of Austin to attend his show there in the early/mid 1980s.

After turning down numerous offers to tour as a sideman, he rose to prominence in 1986 with his critically acclaimed, Grammy-nominated album, Tones. His follow-up, Ah Via Musicom, thrust the self-effacing innovator further into the spotlight, yielding one Grammy-winning cut ("Cliffs Of Dover") and eventually going gold. Combining passion and lyricism with what can only be described as an overwhelmingly positive vibe, Johnson's music is progressive without being academic, uplifting without stooping to sentimentality.

13. Buddy Guy

"Part of my reason for forming Cream was I suddenly had this mad idea about being English Buddy Guy; my goal was to be Buddy Guy with a composing bass player... And to this day, when he's on I don't think anyone can touch him. He takes you away to somewhere completely different." -Eric Clapton

"Buddy Guy is as close as you can come to the hear of the blues." -Jeff Beck

"He plays one note and you forget about the rent." -Carlos Santana

"Nobody can get out of tune as cool as Buddy Guy." Stevie Ray Vaughan

14. Yngwie Malmsteen

Two schools of thought have sprung over the years regarding Yngwie J. Malmsteen. On the one hand, the Swedish native's incredibly precise, rapid-fire playing has earned him as a profound and brilliant artist, the founder and most important exponent of neo-classical guitar. From the point of view of this school, the effortless blend of raw spead, finesse and passion that has characterized Malmsteen's style since his 1984 solo debut, Rising Force, represents the pinnacle of fretboard achievement. Yngwie is also credited with popularizing the scalloped guitar neck.

But Yngwie is also scorned by many in the guitar community, who loathe him with an intensity that matches the ardor of his most dedicated boosters. To group, Malmsteen was the architect of cold, empty guitar style, which emphasized technique over art, speed over feel. They rejoice over the apparent demise of neo-classicism. And how do you plead-for Yngwie or against?

15. Dimebag Darrell

This authentic, crimson-bearded lone star madman had rewritten the book on heavy metal riffing in the short space by many major-label releases. By combining the virtuosity of Edward Van Halen with the rhythmic drive of a glue-sniffing punk rocker, the legend Pantera guitarist had created a highly individual sound that that appeals to classic rockers, fans of death metal and industrial headbangers. On Pantera's March 15, 1994 release, Far Beyond Driven, Darrell solidified his reputation as one of metal's true originals on tracks like "Good Friends And A Bottle Of Pills," which combines hell-and-damnation riffing with the kind of abrasive avant-garde noodling that put Sonic Youth on the map.

16. John Petrucci

Known with Dream Theater, John Petrucci is proud to be progressive. "Our style is completely different from grunge and alternative music," says the 41-year-old Berklee-trained musician. "But I think our music has as much attitude as any of those bands."

Dream Theater is known for a complicated, textured style of hard rock that embraces flawless musicianship, lengthy improve sections, daring arrangements and other flashy elements made popular by Yes, Kansas, Rush and other old-school rockers. Leading the progressive charge is the technically masterful Petrucci, whose playing encompasses angular melodic phrases, liquid chromatics and manic dispays of speed-picking into an exciting, coherent style.

Despite his reputation, the Ibanez-wielding shredder remains modest; "Being looked at as a guitar hero is very flattering, but being singled out away from the rest of the band doesn't appeal to me," says Petrucci. "I'd prefer to have people view me as a talented musician in a good band-not as some flashy soloist." Not a chance.

17. B.B. King

As the universally hailed ambassador of the blues, B.B. King has introduced his favorite music to more people the world over than all other artists combined. In fact, he's so highly visible-popping up everywhere from ads for Northwestern Airlines and McDonald's to episode of "Sanford And Son" and "Married With Children"-that it's easy to take for granted and forget why he became so revered in the first place.

B.B. King has an incredibly expressive, vocal vibrato and an unmistakable, ringing tone, both of which have been imitated by legions of admirers. He is also the master of the perfectly placed bent note, stretching his strings with eloquence, brilliant timing and consistently perfect intonation. But what is perhaps most impressive about B.B. King is that despite hanging over 300 nights a year for decades, and despite having attained cultural icon status long ago, he has avoided slipping into complacency. He never plays the same solo twice and to this day stretches himself, demonstrating night after night exactly why he is the King Of The Blues.

18. Joe Satriani and Steve Vai -- Both rockers are equal careers and talent.

Starting with Joe Satriani, a walking warehouse of virtually every rock guitar style and technique ever developed. From delicate, classical-style finger-picking to the most profane vibrato-bar molestation, Joe knows it all. He elevates the level of whatever he's playing with his passion for sonic adventure and dead-eye sense of song and orchestration.

Like a human melting pot, Satriani has managed to integrate such disparate influences as surf guitar, world beat and Jimi Hendrix into his playing. His much-lauded 1987 breakthrough album, Surfing With The Alien, almost single-handedly rehabilitated instrumental rock as a mainstream genre and help bury the myth that a thoughtful, educated player couldn't rock. In the manner of the Blow By Blow-era Jeff Beck. Satriani employs his superior technique and seemingly inexhaustible vocabulary of licks, riffs and styles in the service of memorable songs (rather than the other way around). And he continues to do this exhibitionism, traps that have foiled too many of his peers.

Steve Vai's unparalleled technique and effortless flash made him rock's paramount pair of hired hands in the 1980's. He rendered PIL more accessible, empowered David Lee Roth, gave Whitesnake artistic credibility and even shredded for the Devil in a sensational performance in the film Crossroads.

But it was with 1990's Passion And Warfare-perhaps the most anticipated guitar release of all time-that Vai crystallized his technical skills, incredible drive and explosive vision into a sensitive, acutely personal guitar statement. He shifts gears with the greatest of ease, gliding from delicate lyricism to the back. Like a demented circus master, Vai has the power to amuse and frighten with his most dangerous menagerie of sound.

19. Joe Perry

For 35 years, through not one or two, but several climbs to the top, Aerosmith's Joe Perry has been a living testimony to the power of a Bad-Ass Attitude. Perry's perpetual sneer is expressed not merely on his chiseled face, but also through his guitars and overdriven amps. Of course, he's also written some pretty decent riffs, the best of which completely defines their song; it's impossible for even non-guitarists to think of "Walk This Way" or "Sweet Emotion" without humming Perry's etched-in-stone guitar lines.

20. Zakk Wylde

Zakk Wylde's hellacious guitar playing and charismatic stage presence made him a keeper of the heavy metal flame with Ozzy Osbourne for many years. But you ain't heard nothin' yet. Zakk stared a few bands of his own, Pride & Glory and his most recent, Black Label Society (BLS), frenzied, high octane slab of guitar mayhem. It's a molten mix of Zakk's two selves: his heavy, energetic Ozzyfield side and the hell-bent Southern rocker and ruthless side. Step out of the way and make peace with yo' maker, son.

Top 20 Guitarists Of All Time - Guitar Players

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Monday, November 14, 2011

Marshall MG100HFX Guitar Amplifier Head (100 Watts, 4 Channels)

!9# Marshall MG100HFX Guitar Amplifier Head (100 Watts, 4 Channels)

Brand : Marshall | Rate : | Price : $359.99
Post Date : Nov 15, 2011 01:24:34 | Usually ships in 6-10 business days

  • 100 watt amplifier with 4 storable channels
  • Digital reverb and effects including Delay, Chorus, Phaser or Flanger
  • Power amp damping
  • MP3/Line input
  • External Effects Loop

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Marshall MG100HFX Guitar Amplifier Head (100 Watts, 4 Channels)

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Friday, October 28, 2011

Marshall MG102FX Reconditioned Guitar Amp

!9# Marshall MG102FX Reconditioned Guitar Amp

Brand : Marshall | Rate : | Price : $519.00
Post Date : Oct 28, 2011 15:09:43 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

The 2x12 Marshall MG1012X is a 100W combo amp that has 4 programmable channels, awesome analog tone, adjustable FX, and more amazing features. Now at your disposal is a separate digital Delay, meaning that a total of 3 custom-voiced FX can be combined at once—Reverb, Modulation (Chorus/Phaser/Flanger), and Delay—creating near-endless FX possibilities. What's more, the Reverb and Delay FX decay naturally when switching between channels for a truly fluid performance. If you want to add extra pedals and/or rack effects, you can make use of the amp's switchable External FX. Set in series and at instrument level, this send and return system is suitable for both guitar and professional units alike. Also present in the MG102FX amplifier is Marshall's custom power-amp damping circuitry. Switch effortlessly between the feel of a classic power amp, with the emphasis on middle, and that of boosted speaker resonance in both bass and treble frequency ranges, magnifying the response and projection of your tone. All the above are switchable via the front panel and/or the included programmable MG Footcontroller, affording you complete control. You'll also find that the Headphone socket on this top-tier Marshall MG doubles as a very handy Line Out, ideal for sending your jaw-dropping solos to any external unit you wish—a computer, digital recorder, or PA system, for example. As with the use of headphones, the amp's speaker is muted, allowing for silent recording. Output can then be directly monitored from the external equipment being used.

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Monday, September 12, 2011

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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Marshall MG15FX Micro Stack Guitar Amplifier

!9# Marshall MG15FX Micro Stack Guitar Amplifier

Brand : Marshall
Rate :
Price : $308.71
Post Date : Sep 08, 2011 08:33:53
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

The MG15FX Micro Stack features 15 watts driving two 10 inch speaker cabinets that delivers the Marshall tone in an easy to transport stack. Plus the MG15FX Micro Stack features four switchable channels and a 3-band EQ that lets you shape your tone. Marshall's exclusive, groundbreaking FDD circuitry gives the MG4 Series the unbelievable depth of sound and unique feel of their legendary, all-tube amps. It does this by emulating the way an all-tube power amp interacts with the speaker(s) it is driving. The easy to use panel controls include gain, followed by a three-band EQ, volume and Master Volume. Channels The 4 channels are Clean, Crunch, OD1 and OD2. Switching seamlessly between channels is easy with the push button controls. Plus the amp features two modes: Preset and Manual. Preset mode stores the position of all the controls except the master volume while the manual mode is the actual physical position of the controls. Settings for each channel can be customized and saved for instant recall. Effects The MG15FX provides two simultaneous effects, Reverb and one of these four digital effects (Chorus, Phaser, Flanger or Delay). The Delay can be manually set using the front panel Tap button. Recording or Practice The combination line out/headphone out features speaker cabinet emulation, giving you full Marshall sound when recording or practicing through headphones. A line input allows you to play along with MP3 and CD players. The optional Stompware footswitch provides seamless transitioning from sound to sound and tap tempo, plus a built-in tuner with LCD display

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Common Myths Playing Guitar - get the perfect sound, The Quest for Tonal Nirvana

!9# Common Myths Playing Guitar - get the perfect sound, The Quest for Tonal Nirvana


There is one aspect of guitar playing, which is quite difficult, even for
the best guitarist, and can also be an obsession for those who
can never seem to find it. This crucial aspect of playing guitar and central
is the sound. Each person on the guitar seriously and strives to master
the tool is aware that playing the guitar is not only skills, but
Skills that sounds good.

The attempt to find the perfect sound, asSearch
for the Holy Grail. Not sure if it exists, but there are a lot of
Myths and stories that seem to clues about where to be found. Since
are many myths about how to get the sound and the sound of their
Guitar, and virtually all are wrong.

A popular myth in order to achieve
guitar sounds great is that you have a certain type of pickup. During
some brands and types of pickups, the quality ofYour Overdrive
Toni and give you some nice bottom end and a sweet pair of high, these pickups still
will not give you great sound. There are a lot of people who always think,
A new set of pickups humbuckler are solving their problems and sound, which immediately
you will start to play like Eric Clapton! These people are a lot of money
to put these pickups in their guitars, connect only to discover that the
Sound you are looking for is not yetthere.

Another popular myth
Guitar sound is that you have a Marshall half stack, for
Get professional-sounding warm tone. A lot of people are fooled into thinking
that if they buy more expensive amplifiers from the biggest brands
will automatically sounds professional. If it is true that
First class products can really help fine tune the sound and help
Expand your creativity, not yetI play to go
a professional, and is still going to give you the sound that
goes on.

The only way to achieve truly professional-sounding guitar
Tones for your attention playing skills. As they say, is the sound
in the fingers! You can find all the best-selling, on top of the line equipment
there is and still sound like an amateur. To develop a great sound and
a beautiful sound, you must perfect your skills. The reasonsome of rock music
great guitar sound is so good because they are good. If you have large
Sound as you play and focus on mastering your instrument and it takes
Them on the way to achieving a great sound.

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Brands of guitar amplifiers

!9# Brands of guitar amplifiers


A wide range of instrument amplifier is now available, some general purpose and some specific instruments and even for particular sounds. Traditional guitar amplifiers have a clean sound and warm, a three-strong roll-off at 5 kHz or less and bass roll-off at 60 to 100 Hz, often with built in reverb and tremolo units. Bass-amps have extended bass response and tone controls optimized for bass (or, more rarely, double bass).

Low frequencies higherAmplifiers sometimes include compressor or limited functions, which help keep the amplifier distortion at high volume. Keyboard amplifiers have a very low distortion and extended frequency response in both directions. Keyboard amplifiers often have a simple onboard mixer, so that keyboardists can pitch and volume control of different keyboards. Acoustic amplifiers are designed to sound clean and clear sound to produce, when used with acoustic instruments designedwith built in transducer pickups and microphones.

Some well-known brand guitar amplifier

While there are almost countless manufacturers of guitar amplifiers, we will discuss the major brands that have made the history of guitar amplification.

Carvin, Inc.

The Carvin Corporation is a musical instrument and equipment manufacturer in San Diego, California, is known among guitarists known for their guitars. Carvin was founded in 1946 byLowell Kiesel, and originally manufactured guitar pickups. Carvin Corporation manufactures acoustic and electric guitars, basses and accessories, amplifiers, live in the studio sound system, microphones and lighting equipment.

Korg Corporation

Korg Corporation is a Japanese multinational, electronic musical instruments and guitar tuner produces. The company is one of the most popular and respected names in the world of electronic music. Founded in 1962 in Japanby Tsutomu Kato and Tadashi Osanai Korg was originally known as Keio Electronic Laboratories, for his young offices can be located near the Keio train line in Tokyo and Keio are formed by combining the first letters of Kato and Osanai. Yamaha Corporation has always been a major partner of Korg, provides them with circuits and mechanical components.

Marshall Amplification

Marshall Amplification is a British company develops and manufactures electric guitar amp.Marshall amplifiers are well known and very popular among guitarists. Marshall amps were originally designed as direct copies of Fender amplifiers built, but soon incorporated certain characteristics that made them cheaper guitarists looking for a harder sound. As more professional level amplifiers, Marshall amplifiers still tube pre and power amp stages instead of solid state devices. Marshall is also cheaper than solid state or hybrid devices.


Vox is aMusic-equipment maker, most famous for making the AC30 guitar amplifier and the Vox electric organ. Founded in Great Britain, Vox Japanese electronics company is now owned by Korg. In 1959, with revenues under pressure from the powerful Fender Twin and The Shadows, which requires more power amplifiers, Vox produced what is essentially a dual AC15 and named it the AC30.

Roland Corporation

Roland Corporation is a Japanese manufacturer ofelectronic musical instruments, electronic equipment and software. It was 18 Ikutaro Kakehashi in Osaka in April 1972 with 33 million yen capital founded. Some of the newer amp by Roland Corporation Roland SH 201, Roland Juno G, Roland MV 8800 and Roland V-Synth GT.

Brands of guitar amplifiers

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Marshall MG15FX Guitar Combo Amplifier - 8 Inch, 15 Watts

!9# Marshall MG15FX Guitar Combo Amplifier - 8 Inch, 15 Watts

Rate : | Price : $120.59 | Post Date : Aug 04, 2011 02:54:11
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

The 15 watt MG15FX includes an 8 inch speaker, four switchable channels, and a 3-band EQ that lets you shape your tone. Marshall’s exclusive, groundbreaking FDD circuitry gives the MG4 Series the unbelievable depth of sound and unique feel of their legendary, all-tube amps. It does this by emulating the way an all-tube power amp interacts with the speaker(s) it is driving. The easy to use panel controls include gain, followed by a three-band EQ, volume and Master Volume. On the MG15FX guitar amp combo, the 4 channels are Clean, Crunch, OD1 and OD2. Switching seamlessly between channels is easy with the push button controls. Plus the amp features two modes: Preset and Manual. Preset mode stores the position of all the controls except the master volume while the manual mode is the actual physical position of the controls. Settings for each channel can be customized and saved for instant recall. The MG15FX provides two simultaneous effects, Reverb and one of these four digital effects (Chorus, Phaser, Flanger or Delay). The Delay can be manually set using the front panel Tap button. The combination line out/headphone out features speaker cabinet emulation, giving you full Marshall sound when recording or practicing through headphones. A line input allows you to play along with MP3 and CD players. The optional Stompware footswitch provides seamless transitioning from sound to sound and tap tempo, plus a built-in tuner with LCD display.

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